Monday, December 22, 2008


Combanwa, minna-san! I (so-called) searched da c-box, and those of ya who want da username + password look for Ms Ng, Val, or Meh (obviosly, cuz we're the only ones posting. =_=)!!!!!!! Got it? Good. Ya-Ha.

Holidays damn boring seh. Nothing to do, I dun play Audition anymore, and none of the ff(s) I wanna read updating. Very sian. Computer oso got nothing to do.

These saturdays I damn free, keep going to one anime event aft another. 1st EOY (cosplay event! i asked lotsa cosplayers for their pics! :D), then (OK, MAYB NOT ONE AFT ANOTHER, YA-HA!) since last week's comic event was in MALAYSIA, and i cannot go there, went scouting 'round SG for cosplay shops. Once I reach Sec School I'm gonna start cosplaying! And start with Lolita! YA-HA! Ok, Wait. Loli is skirt/dress. Skirt Ok La, Dress, no way. Actually, I dunno wad to cosplay.

Ja, see ya peeps when school starts.



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