Monday, February 16, 2009


Ya, i know, why dun have Ya-Ha dis time. dun blame me! not in the mood! I'm crying! cuz of a sad video... AHHH!!! want to cry somemore, i go read what if the sky wished la! AHHHHH!!

Very tired, for some odd reason. k, seniors must watch out! my jie and maybe some west springers coming 2morrow! prepare yourselves! YA-HA!!!!


Friday, February 13, 2009

I changed the blogskin again. was feeling hungry... hahaha.

Oh ya, i wanted to tell all of you posting, pls sign off with your name so ppl will know who u are, 'specially the juniors. thx. :D


Bye-bii! :DDDDD
Taggggg. In maths ICT lesson :P
Who cares? I'll go home and blog properly.
Taggggg. In maths ICT lesson :P
Who cares? I'll go home and blog properly.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


The blog needed a second CPR, i guess. No time no blog lahs... too lazy. :P

Today us seniors very suay... don't feel like typing it out, in case we bcome even more suay. SHOOT! touch wood! touch wood! lucky dis table is made of wood. :D Ya, i being lame.

Not much to talk about; very tired lahs. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

