Monday, October 11, 2010

Changed :D

My fingers got itchy and I was bored during class. -.-


post more, people. post more.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Come on, people! You need to update this blog!

I can't because I no longer am part of your team and have no idea what is going on in IJ as of now.

You can't expect US, of all people, to update on YOUR daily events when we're not in IJ anymore right? You can't expect us to update OUR daily events as it is clearly stated that this blog belongs to CHIJOLQP NETBALLERS. Not Crescent, or Nanyang, or Nan Hua, or STC.

Please take full responsibility of this blog!

If you want to know the password or login ID, PLEASE sms me. Get my number from Charmaine Ong or Laurentia. Or Ms Yeo or Ms Ng.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Links updated, and I have revived this blog.

I couldn't stand seeing my previous gay post all the time.

Someone should regularly update this blog.

Ask Charmaine Ong for password and such.


Monday, November 9, 2009

50th post 8D

Hell-o peeps. :D

Ytd's carnival @ Taka, did you ppl enjoy it? Muscle ache. HA.

We seniors won 3rd place. :) Juniors, you dun get any share of the prize money... supposedly... dun kill meee...


Short post.



Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What can I say? This blog is REALLY dead. WOOPEE!

Yes, I have come to revive this blog. xD





Friday, September 25, 2009

changed blogskin.
and the pathetic thing is....
all the blogskins chosen have to be agreed by bernice ng.
i chose like, 5 blogskins than she was like ''no.''
''i don lyk''
so you can imagine how happy i was when this blogskin was accepted.
this blog is like DEAD!
can ppl come to this blog more often?
and leave yr links so I can link them.
WHY EVERYTHING I DOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-charmaine ong.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

okay... I changed blogskin... is it nicer? someone help with the coding...

Lalala~ This sat Ms Yeo's b'day?

